
The Anthropocene – Causes, Consequences and Solutions

Graeme Sait, the co-founder and CEO of Nutri-Tech Solutions, is an author/educator responsible for over 300 published articles and a popular book, “Nutrition Rules!”. He is an internationally sought-after speaker, specialising in soil, plant, animal and human health and wellness. This has led to an emphasis on planetary health, in recognition of the link between...

Latest Sunshine Coast Environment Council (SCEC) campaigns including World Environment Day – Natalie Frost

Noosa Parks Association Environment Centre 5 Wallace Drive, Wallace Park,, Noosaville, QLD, Australia

World Environment Day Festival 2021 Be part of #GenerationRestoration and join the Sunshine Coast Environment Council (SCEC) in launching World Environment Day Festival 2021! This year's theme is ecosystem restoration, and they are taking people on a journey throughout ecosystems across the Sunshine Coast. Natalie Frost, WED Festival Coordinator says “This is the first year...


Yandina Creek Wetlands and the Blue Heart Initiative – Judith Hoyle

Noosa Parks Association Environment Centre 5 Wallace Drive, Wallace Park,, Noosaville, QLD, Australia

It is with great anticipation that Judith Hoyle will be the guest presenter at NPA’s Friday Forum on June 11th. Judith became an avid birdwatcher in her 20’s and is now the driving force behind the efforts to save Toondah Harbour from development. Of that campaign she says, ‘With the backing of my committee and...


Noosa Council progress toward Zero Emissions – Annie Nolan

Annie Nolan is Noosa Council’s Carbon Reduction Officer.  For the past 4 years Annie has been implementing Noosa Council’s Strategy to achieve net zero emissions for Council by 2026.   During this time Ms Nolan has project managed the implementation of capital projects including the installation of over 600kW of solar PV across Council buildings...


Days of our Hives – Michelle Gleeson

Noosa Parks Association Environment Centre 5 Wallace Drive, Wallace Park,, Noosaville, QLD, Australia

Don’t miss this opportunity to see and hear an expert in their field explain the miniature world in an easy to understand manner.  Author and presenter Michelle Gleeson (a.k.a. the Bug Lady) is the guest speaker at Friday Environment Forum on July 16. Insects have roamed our planet for nearly 400 million years. During this...


Ancient Mariners of the Sunshine Coast Kate Hofmeister, Conservation Officer, SCC

Noosa Parks Association Environment Centre 5 Wallace Drive, Wallace Park,, Noosaville, QLD, Australia

Are you intrigued by the turtles who continuously return to the Sunshine Coast? Don’t miss Kate Hofmeister who is the co-ordinator of TurtleCare Sunshine Coast, a large citizen science program that delivers important conservation and research on a breeding population of critically endangered loggerhead turtles. This program runs in partnership with the State Government’s Queensland...


Citizen Science on the Great Barrier Reef, Di Shun Wah

Noosa Parks Association Environment Centre 5 Wallace Drive, Wallace Park,, Noosaville, QLD, Australia

Like all the world’s coral reefs, the Great Barrier Reef is under threat. Citizen science dramatically increases the amount of data available providing managers with valuable information to better inform decisions. At Friday Environment Forum on August 13, Di Shun Wah will share her experiences on a recent citizen science expedition which was partnered by...


Planning for our Biking Future

Noosa Parks Association Environment Centre 5 Wallace Drive, Wallace Park,, Noosaville, QLD, Australia

Noosa Shire Council has a vision of an efficient, free flowing, innovative transport system that enhances resident and visitor experiences which would result in sustainable environmental outcomes. Promotion of electric bikes (e-bikes) amongst a broader cycling-based behaviour change will be the focus of Renee Black’s talk at the next Friday Environment Forum at the NPA...


Environmental Benefits of Insect Consumption Rocio Ponce Reyes, CSIRO

Noosa Parks Association Environment Centre 5 Wallace Drive, Wallace Park,, Noosaville, QLD, Australia

With current environmentally-damaging food systems, struggling to produce enough nutritious food for the world’s growing population, scientists are exploring alternative protein sources. Edible insects are a promising option. They are highly diverse with more than 2,100 edible species, highly nutritious being rich in protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and other micronutrients, and have a low environmental...


Christmas Island – an Attenborough paradise with Jessica Drake

Noosa Parks Association Environment Centre 5 Wallace Drive, Wallace Park,, Noosaville, QLD, Australia

Technically part of Australia but a long way from it, Christmas Island is a natural wonder and its unique fauna have been the subject of more than one Sir David Attenborough documentary. Jessica, a wildlife specialist and photographer, will take you on the journey that she took to view the spectacular annual Red Crab migration...


Food and Fire: The Effect of Fire on Glossy Black-Cockatoo Feeding Habitat with Alex Western

Noosa Parks Association Environment Centre 5 Wallace Drive, Wallace Park,, Noosaville, QLD, Australia

The glossy black-cockatoo Calyptorhynchus lathami is an iconic but threatened bird species, admired by many for their beauty and unique behaviour. Climate change and inappropriate fire regimes are major drivers of decline in threatened species, and the glossy black-cockatoo, being a habitat specialist, is likely to be vulnerable to such changes. Alex Western, an ecologist/geologist,...


Protecting the Platypus with Tamielle Brunt

Noosa Parks Association Environment Centre 5 Wallace Drive, Wallace Park,, Noosaville, QLD, Australia

The platypus is an amazing monotreme, but little is known about where they specifically live. Tamielle Brunt, a PhD Candidate at the University of Queensland is studying platypus populations within south-east Queensland. She is also an assistant project officer at the Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland (WPSQ), running their PlatypusWatch Network. This network aims to...


Paradise Parrot-some reflections on the centenary of its discovery with Russell McGregor

Noosa Parks Association Environment Centre 5 Wallace Drive, Wallace Park,, Noosaville, QLD, Australia

December 11th, 2021 marks the one-hundredth anniversary of the rediscovery of the Paradise Parrot by Cyril Jerrard of Gayndah. So it is timely to reflect on the bird’s terrible fate. For several decades before Jerrard’s sighting, the species was feared to be extinct. Its rediscovery raised hopes for its survival, but its resurrection was brief....


Seabirds of the Sunshine Coast

Noosa Parks Association Environment Centre 5 Wallace Drive, Wallace Park,, Noosaville, QLD, Australia

About eight times a year, an intrepid band of birdwatchers heads out on a boat from Mooloolaba to the continental shelf some 30 miles offshore. A great variety of seabirds inhabits this area.  At Friday Environment Forum on February 11, Professor Richard Fuller from the University of Queensland will consider their diversity and life histories....


A Place of Shadows Book, Phil Jarratt

This comprehensive history of Noosa comes straight from the heart of award-winning writer Phil Jarratt who has lived here for more than 30 years. In many ways it is a love letter to his adopted home, but the Noosa story is not always a pretty one, and Phil does not flinch from the harsh realities...


“Piece by Piece” – Conservation and Development on the Sunshine Coast, Elaine Green

Noosa Parks Association Environment Centre 5 Wallace Drive, Wallace Park,, Noosaville, QLD, Australia

Conservation and development on the Sunshine Coast 1960-2020 Friday Environment Forum guest speaker and author Elaine Green will discuss this new release on February 25.  For the first time the development of the Sunshine Coast, including Noosa, is followed through six decades of ongoing population growth.  Campaigns to preserve natural areas have at times been...


March 25: Noosa Oyster Ecosystem Restoration with Megan Connell

Noosa Parks Association Environment Centre 5 Wallace Drive, Wallace Park,, Noosaville, QLD, Australia

Over 100 years ago, oyster beds were common throughout the Noosa estuary. There is still evidence of those beds today. Unfortunately, by the early 1900s, Noosa’s oyster beds had become functionally extinct through dredging and overharvesting. This drastic habitat change contributed to declines in local fish stocks such as snapper, bream and mullet. The story...


April 22: At home in the Wallum

Noosa Parks Association Environment Centre 5 Wallace Drive, Wallace Park,, Noosaville, QLD, Australia

Former Noosa mayor Noel Playford will talk about Noosa’s newest community website Noosa Matters at Friday Environment Forum on April 22 and share his motivation for developing this site. Editor Ric Jay said: “Noosa Matters is a place for the community of Noosa to question and discuss where we are, where we want to go...


May 13: The Wallace Line, John Lauritz

ALFRED RUSSELL WALLACE - Who was he and what is Wallace’s Line? It was 10 years ago whilst on a snorkelling trip to the Raja Ampat that John Lauritz was enlightened by a guest lecturer on board his sailing ship, who gave a series of talks about Alfred Russell Wallace – hitherto unknown to John....


May 27: A Century Later: The Ecology of the European Red Fox in a Hybrid Coastal Ecosystem. – Dr Julie O’Connor

Noosa Parks Association Environment Centre 5 Wallace Drive, Wallace Park,, Noosaville, QLD, Australia

The European red fox is one of 24 mammal species introduced to Australia since European settlement and despite being the subject of widespread lethal control, it maintains an estimated population of around 7.2 million across Australia. While its presence is well known in the Sunshine Coast region, where it is also the subject of lethal...
